Many girls already know that During the night, the body begins to repair and revitalize the skin. This is because growth hormone will increase rapidly. Growth hormone has a duty to help create new skin cells. This means that sleep plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. On the contrary, if girls Staying up late or being sleep deprived for a long time It inevitably causes the body to be unable to restore the skin as it should. Today we have gathered together 4 disadvantages that arise from sleeping late and causing damage to the skin to tell you ladies. We got to know. Let’s look at the girls’ late-night behavior. How will it affect the skin?

1. Makes the skin dry
Usually during sleep The skin will already have lost some water. But the human body is more intelligent than that. This prevents water loss during sleep. The body then produces the hormone vasopressin. which is a hormone that helps retain water Therefore, if girls sleep late or their sleep has a shorter period of time. Such a process will not work. Thus leading to dehydration of the สมัคร ufabet skin. As well as causing the skin to develop dry skin problems as a result.
2. The body causes swelling.
Girls may wonder why staying up late can cause the body to become swollen. That’s because of sleeping late or lack of sleep. Makes the circulatory system work poorly Therefore causing the body to be unable to remove waste products. Therefore causing swelling as a result. However, lack of sleep or staying up late not only causes swelling in the body. But it also makes the skin under the eyes swollen.
3. The skin barrier is destroyed.
Of course, sleep affects almost every part of the body. Especially the moisture of the skin water loss Production of oil or sebum blood circulation division of skin cells including the function of the skin barrier Which when girls Have a habit of staying up late or lacking sleep on a regular basis It will disturb the functioning of the body. Causes the body to create more free radicals. As well as leading to the creation of a weakened skin barrier. That causes premature aging. Including problems with dry skin and irritated skin.
4. The aging process is accelerated.
As you already know, lack of sleep or staying up late on a regular basis. will make various systems There is a problem in the body. Especially causing more wrinkles in the long term. Because sleep and restoring the body are always considered to be things that go together. Therefore, if the girls’ sleep If it is not effective, it will cause the body’s recovery to not work as well. In addition, during sleep, girls’ skin creates new collagen. Makes the skin strong and flexible. Thus helping to prevent wrinkles. and helps reduce the aging process very well
Ladies can see the disadvantages that come from staying up late or being sleep deprived on a regular basis. It has a very negative effect on the skin. Therefore, to prevent premature aging. or to prevent dry and damaged skin It is recommended to adjust your sleeping time accordingly. Try to go to bed early and wake up early. Most importantly, you should allow the body to sleep continuously for 7-8 hours to help the body recover fully.